User Roles And Permissions

The nuu:bit customer portal supports a very flexible approach for management of portal user permissions. User permissions and roles are managed in "Account Settings" -> "Users" section available for account administrators.

A portal user can be assigned with one of the following roles:

  • User - a portal user with “user” role can be limited to have an access to specific resources only (like domain names) and perform specific operations like viewing traffic analytics reports, or change domain configuration. Users with “user” role cannot perform administrative actions like managing of other users, API keys, etc.
  • Admin - a portal user with “admin” role can fully manage his company’s account, including other users and API keys. This is a very powerful role and account administrators should be very careful about creating new account admins.
  • Reseller - user role “reseller” can be assigned only by nuu:bit personnel and is normally used by nuu:bit resellers managing other customer accounts in the system.
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